Pet Rescue Saga Facebook Game

Saga Teasairginn Peata Facebook - Barrachd na 10 tha millean neach mu thràth a ’cluich geama Facebook Pet Rescue Saga. To connect

Isabella Franks

Ìre 69

San ìre seo, tha thu a 'urra ri bhith a' toirt ceithir peataichean a 'bhonn airson' sàbhaladh agus a chosnadh 20 000…

Isabella Franks

Pet rescue saga – tha e tòrr nas sàs na tha e a 'coimhead!

"Mi gaol shuiteis agus tilgidh pears timcheall, If I wanted to rescue pets I'd head to an animal shelter" well

Isabella Franks

Rudan a 'dol' Boom!’ ~ Pet Rescue Firecrackers

Aon de na h-innealan feumail agaibh cothrom ann Pet Rescue tha an Firecracker, If you look to

Isabella Franks

Seanalair Pet Rescue sanasan is tip

If you've committed to the Pet rescue voyage here are a few hints, tips and tricks to help you along

Isabella Franks

Barganachadh Pet Rescue Saga agus Facebook

Agus a-nis tha thu dòcha gun dh'obraich a-mach nach eil a h-uile duine a tha fan nan geamannan sin, math air an call!…

Isabella Franks

Ìre 27 – Pet Rescue Saga

So Ìre 27 tòiseachadh innocently gu leòr, albeit a little 'Matrix' with the suspended blocks. There are a few handy

Isabella Franks

Ìre 59 – Pet Rescue Saga

Oh mo, 'gheama seo milis beag air gotten an àite inntinneach o chionn ghoirid! What cruel intentions do the King developers have in

Isabella Franks

Pet Rescue Saga – Ìre 29

Uill breithneachaidh le tiùrr de charaidean a tha mi air sprawled thairis air an ìre 29 marker I'm going to make a

Isabella Franks

Pet Rescue – Ìre 43

Now don't freak out! Ìre 43 A 'coimhead eagalach, ach a h-uile rudha, your little fishies will be safe before you

Isabella Franks