Takulandirani ku webusaiti Pet Kupulumutsidwa Saga.
Malo oyamba thandizo Pet kupulumutsidwa Saga!
Apa mudzapeza akupangira ndi nsonga, komanso mavidiyo mlingo kalozera.
The aim of this site is to bring together all the experience of hundreds, ngati zikwi, of players all in one place so that new players can help each other have fun playing instead of continually being frustrated.
malo ndi kalozera zinenero kuti Pet Kupulumutsidwa Saga Thandizo
On the left you will find video guides to all the levels plus tips as they become available.
On the right is other useful information some relevant to Pet Rescue Saga only some useful in many online games.
Please support this site by clicking on the “ngati” batani kumanja.
Kapena kugawana ndi anzanu.
Bwerani pamodzi nane ndipo amalola kupulumutsa ziwetozo!
Ngati mukufuna abwenzi kukuthandizani kusewera, kapena kuti akapanda kukhumudwa wanu!! Bwerani pamodzi ndi gulu.