Mumwe pamwero ane kazhinji zvinangwa zviviri; kununura mumwe nhamba mhuka dzinovaraidza uye zvibodzwa imwe nhamba pfungwa, nyore kodzero! hongu ndizvo ndakafunga pakutanga zvakare! Now there are some funky boosters available that are definitely handy in clearing unwanted blocks, asi handisi coiner, kwete basa sei I kuzvitarisa hapana nzira ndaikwanisa kukururamisirai kubhadhara kuti kutamba mutambo uye mashoko akanaka iwe dont have, all levels are achievable without buying boosters…you may however have to resort to begging your friends for lives!
Sezvo imi kubvisa kutigumbura chidzitiro Rakafa pasi, wemanomano iri chero zvinogumbura (kana dzinovaraidza) pamusoro chidzitiro kana ukapererwa anofambidzana kuti nokuwa kune kwaitika kwavo, batsira kana vari zvinogumbura vasingadiwi, not so much when they are essential pets needing rescue. Score enough points in succession however and in some levels you are rewarded with a firecracker that can clear an entire vertical column of blocks, batsira chaizvo zvirokwazvo! Pet Ndisunungurei the saga iri pasi mutsetse mumwe mutambo kuti urongwa uye unyanzvi vashoma dzakatsarukana Kuputika aiswa zvokungonakidzwa. Don’t be disheartened by my somewhat cruel introduction…I am admittedly stuck on an insanely difficult level at the there’s that!