Nivel 69


Nivel 69

Ti' le nivel, teech le meyaj ts'íibo' u bisa'al kan mascotas u yiit utia'al rescatar le ka náajaltik le 20 000 Ti'its, Excepto le nivel ba'axi' jach complicado u u ts'aik teech 6 mascotas yo'osal u meyaj, Óotsil Ba'ale' jaaj, Je'el u páajtal a p'atik lúubul ka'ap'éel tak le borde yéetel láayli' bey beetik!

wíimbala'Alguna o'olale' meyaj, le bloques ti' le nivel yéetel ma' u suman utia'al u meentik nukuch combinaciones, Mina'an petardos náajaltik le chen ma'alob noticia leti', mina'an límite ichil le meyaj ku movimientos.

Cajas metálicas, Le jaulas yéetel le tunicho'ob encerradas agregan jump'íit u sabor ti' le curry Sáam chokoj, Le bombas táan ti' cajas u vidrio u k'a'anan jaatik bey ma' u le biilankiltej yéetel le jump'éel ma'alo'ob tuukul (Xook bey. Gran tuukul, Chéen beetej!') utia'al u jaatik a bombas bey ma' desbloquear a tunicho'ob. Je'el bix descubrí, meentik le je'ela' ti' le orden incorrecto jach u amortiguar a k'áak'o'!


P'at a lúubul a cajas metal mentik kex le bombas utia'al u destruir le.

Wa je'el u páajtal a, lela' xa'ak' a cajas metal mentik kex jump'éel bomba ku ts'o'ok u pi'ik'a', Le je'ela' ku destruir le u juntéene' tuméen tuláakal. Le uláak' beyo' ku u destruir le jach p'atik le tu superior jump'éel columna ka cha'ik u eliminen a medida ti' le pantalla ku desplaza, Ba'ale' le ba'ala' je'el u páajtal u complicado, ts'o'ok u t'iin yantalto'on ba'al kulukbal yóok'ol leti'ob justo le ba'ala' Ta'aytak u yúuchul…wa ti' in óoltaj ka ku yúuchul, Ts'o'ok in tirado tu meentaj mascotas ku tratando u máan le nivel!

Ba'ale' je'el bix tuláakal le juegos complicados ti' King, páajtal! Chéen lela' crear bloques u boonil ka elige a movimientos sabiamente, K'a'as ka janalnake'ex kaajil tu'ux yaan jump'éel yo'osal, Descubrir utsil bix ken Je'e asab combinaciones le, tu ts'ook instancia, u clave le báaxala'. Yéetel jump'íit taj muk'óolal, Yéetel ya'ab ti' k'intaj yéetel ya'ab estrategia, je'el u páajtal a jóok'sik ka u relucir!wíimbala'

Nivel 27 – Saga áantaj mascotas


Nivel 27

Bey u le nivel 27 Káaj u bix ken bastante inocente, albeit a little ‘Matrixwith the suspended blocks. Yaan Jayp'éel pistas yéetel consejos útiles utia'al u superar le p'isibij yéetel le meyaj ku correcto u mascotas rescatadas yéetel jump'éel meyaj ku decente eek'o'obo' utia'al t'okik!

  • First of all its good to know that pets only come down one at a time, dont bother trying to bring down anymore on the other side of the board if your pet is stuck, it just wont work. If your pet is in a pickle try and join blocks around it or aim for some big combos and use a firecracker!
  • Use your balloons wisely! There are quite a few coloured balloons thrown around on this board and they can be very handy. Use them to clear blocks beneath your pet or to join up banks of the same coloured blocks. The only thing better than using one balloon to make some big combos is to use two (different coloursobviously!)
  • wíimbala'

    Suspended blocks anyone?

  • Keep in mind this level has a limited number of moves, 60 in fact and you have 8 pets to rescue so keep the ‘dilly dallyto a minimum, take care of business first, this is a game not playtime!
  • Firecrackers as always are your friends, if you earn one use it to bring down a pet, not much point in saving it or the ‘rainy daywill be upon you before you realise!
  • Aim to remove all of one colour to score the big points, balloons are handy but not essential to do this. Scoring three stars is nice but keep in mind your priority is the rescue the poor little pets! Just work one column at a time and you will have this done in no time. If you have some moves left over this will add to your score or you can set your pet up then work on scoring some points. Keep you eyes open for multiplier blocks! they can make a big difference to your score particularly if you combine some together!


    Removing all but one colour can make for some big points scoring!