寵物救援傳奇臉譜 – 超過 10 百萬人有玩 寵物救援傳奇臉譜遊戲.
與Pet Rescue Saga聯繫, 立即註冊Facebook,開始免費玩遊戲!
寵物救援傳奇, 從糖果粉碎傳奇嘅製造商 & 農場英雄傳奇!
匹配兩個或兩個以上相同顏色的塊,以清除水平,並保存寵物從邪惡的寵物搶奪者! 移動係有限嘅,所以要仔細計劃. 你嘅拼圖技能將測試與幾個鐘頭嘅嚿破壞樂趣甚至超過 糖果粉碎作弊!
Pet Rescue Saga幫助, 提示和秘籍
寵物救援傳奇臉譜 – 超過 10 百萬人有玩 寵物救援傳奇臉譜遊戲.
與Pet Rescue Saga聯繫, 立即註冊Facebook,開始免費玩遊戲!
寵物救援傳奇, 從糖果粉碎傳奇嘅製造商 & 農場英雄傳奇!
匹配兩個或兩個以上相同顏色的塊,以清除水平,並保存寵物從邪惡的寵物搶奪者! 移動係有限嘅,所以要仔細計劃. 你嘅拼圖技能將測試與幾個鐘頭嘅嚿破壞樂趣甚至超過 糖果粉碎作弊!
喺呢個關卡中,你嘅任務係將四隻寵物帶到底部進行救援和賺錢 20 000 點, 除了呢個關卡太棘手了,你會得到六隻寵物, 可悲但真實, 你可以把兩個由邊緣掉下嚟,但仍然能成功!
出於某種原因,呢個關卡中嘅方塊加起來並不能形成好好嘅組合, 冇鞭炮可以賺,唯一嘅好消息係移動次數冇限制.
金屬盒, cages and locked up rocks add a little spice to this already hot curry, the bombs are in glass cases that need smashing before you can use them and it is a good idea (read as ‘great idea, just do it!’) to smash your bombs open before unlocking your rocks..yeah as I discovered doing this in the wrong order can really dampen your fire!
If you can try to gather your metal boxes around a bomb that has been broken open, this will help destroy them for once and for all. The other way you may be able to destroy them is to leave them at the top a column and let them get knocked off as the screen scrolls, this can be tricky though as there tends to be something sitting on them just as this is about to happen…or in my case when it happens, I have thrown so many pets off trying to pass this level!
But like all tricky King games it is possible! just aim to create blocks of colour and choose your moves wisely, remember every move has a consequence, figuring out the best way to open up more combinations is ultimately the key to this game. With a little patience, a lot of luck and a great deal of strategy you’ll be able to nut it out!
“I crush candy and throw pears around, If I wanted to rescue pets I’d head to an animal shelter” well that was something I do believe I may have once said. If you’ve ever embarked upon a King adventure then you may have some idea what you are in for….just dont be fooled by the cheery colours and cute critters of Pet Rescue…“It’ll be fun they said, join us they said! you are great at games you’ll love this” ha! well yes it turns out it is fun, in an addictive ‘I can’t even remember if I even own real pets anymore’ kind of way!
So if you’ve crushed your way through a tonne of candy and defied gravity to prove the aerodynamic aptitude of your Papa Pears and are ready for some more thrilling adventures then please join us on our voyage of discovery through the gnarly world that is home to the pet Rescue Saga. The aim of the game is to safely bring down pets to the bottom of the screen by clearing the coloured blocks beneath them. To clear the blocks you must click on two or more adjoining blocks of the same colour, the more blocks joined and cleared the higher the points, and the quicker your poor pets reach the bottom.
Each level has generally two objectives; rescue a certain number of pets and score a certain number of points, easy right! yeah that’s what I thought at first too! Now there are some funky boosters available that are definitely handy in clearing unwanted blocks, but i’m not a coiner, no matter how I look at it there is no way I could justify paying to play a game and the good news is you dont have to, all levels are achievable without buying boosters…you may however have to resort to begging your friends for lives!
As you clear away blocks the screen scrolls down, the trick is any blocks (or pets) at the top of the screen when you run out of combinations to make fall to their demise, handy if they are unwanted blocks, not so much when they are essential pets needing rescue. Score enough points in succession however and in some levels you are rewarded with a firecracker that can clear an entire vertical column of blocks, very handy indeed! Pet Rescue saga is bottom line another game of strategy and skill with a few decent explosions thrown in for fun. Don’t be disheartened by my somewhat cruel introduction…I am admittedly stuck on an insanely difficult level at the moment..so there’s that!
One of the most handy tools you have access to in Pet Rescue is the Firecracker, If you look to the bottom right of your screen you will find a little meter that needs to be fed with points, the bigger the combinations the better. Fill this meter by clearing bricks and a little firecracker appears, this little gem is very valuable, simply point it at the column you need to clear (like the one with the doe eyed puppy on top about to be tipped off) and this column including any metal boxes or glass cases will be destroyed..except for caged or locked bricks, they require unlocking first.
The good news is pets apparently love fireworks and quite happily bounce through the explosion and scurry off to the bottom (*note this does not apply in real life, most dogs are severe pyrotechnophobes!). Learning how to create these firecrackers quickly and efficiently and knowing when to use them and when to hang on to them is perhaps one of the major skills of this game!
You dont have to use your Firecracker as soon as it appears, its not going anywhere but just keep in mind that you can only have one at a time, any further points you earn will not be stored in the meter. You can only start earning another cracker once the first one has been set off. Because of this I like to set off my crackers as they appear. If you have a pet suck on a ledge of earth or pipe you can bump him off by placing a firecracker up the column to its left (Don’t ask me why pets dont fall to the right!)
Setting off a cracker is simply a matter of either selecting the green tick, or if you change your mind and want to hang on to it just hit the red ‘X’. Keep in mind that the blocks dont always fall straight down, they have a tendency to cascade into the space, which can often spoil your groove if you are trying to set up some big combinations. If blocks are at the bottom of the board with nothing above them to fill in the space they scoot over (again to the left) and join up with any other remaining blocks . This is very handy to keep in mind especially when you need to clear a certain percentage of blocks out of the way to fulfil your objective.
If you’ve committed to the Pet rescue voyage here are a few hints, tips and tricks to help you along your way!
So by now you may have figured out that not everyone is a fan of these games, well their loss! Problem is many ‘anti-gamers’ enjoy a good old whinge but there are ways you can keep your appetite for lives and helping hands happily fed and the wingers happily silenced!
So Level 27 starts off innocently enough, albeit a little ‘Matrix’ with the suspended blocks. There are a few handy hint and tips for getting through this stage with the correct number of rescued pets and a decent number of stars to boot!
Oh my, this sweet little game has gotten rather interesting lately! What cruel intentions do the King developers have in store for these poor unfortunate pets next? 水平 59 is an innocent looking level, the pets actually get a break on this one as your objective is to clear 85% of the blocks and earn 15 000 點, what’s that you say? sounds easy…yeah its easy…easily the toughest level yet!
So what do we do? well the obvious thing is to take every ounce of luck you can squeeze out of each attempt and run with it! You ideally want to create big combinations, and while this sounds nice and simple the reality is you’re not going to be given big combinations. In fact the amount of combinations you are given at all is pretty pitiful. Every attempt I made (and boy there were many!) never resulted in a single firecracker being produced, very disappointing!
But it is afterall possible, you just have to anticipate where your blocks will fall and carefully plan your attack this way. One very handy tip is that you can make combinations above diamonds before they smash. So if you briefly see a combination that will last only until the diamond’s box shatters and it hits the ground then by all means hit it before this happens.
Try and figure out what works best for you, some games I came close working from the top down and others went faster from the bottom up, but the key is how you visualise easiest…oh and did I mention luck? (*oh and of you have a couple of spare boosters left over from the freebies you were given at the beginning this may just be the level to crack them out on!)
The most frustrating thing about this level is that it looks so easy! you may need to rely upon blocks joining up once they have hit the bottom, in fact this proved to be a very valuable part of my success! ~ good luck!
Well judging by the pile of friends I have sprawled over the level 29 marker I’m going to make a judgement call and say its a tricky one. With an objective of clearing 99% of the blocks and earning 16 000 points I’m having flashbacks and remembering why this has become a pit stop of some length for so many.
Its not hard, its frustratingly hard!
But If I can do it so can you, its just a matter of forward thinking and figuring out the consequences of our actions (wow I sound like my 10th grade teacher!)
First of all Burst all the balloons on the very left until the bomb hits the wire cages, then blow it up! this will give you some headway. Work your way along until you lower the key to the locked up rocks, and release them once the key is free. Try and save your remaining balloons, they will come in handy soon. Once you have unlocked the row of rocks and they spirit off into the ether you may start popping balloons. You’ll notice that bursting a balloon can unlock a few cages at a time, but only by blowing up adjacent blocks, you are not bursting the blocks inside the cages but the ones next to it! Don’t go too silly once you have dropped the screen enough start to break open the cages from below, preserve as many balloons as possible…they always seem to come in handy, but keep that screen moving down.
This is not a level where your moves are limited so hit it, but dont forget about your firecrackers, use them wisely and remember that you cannot start earning another until the first one had been set off. If you have one on the board and a whole set up of big combinations ahead maybe just set it off and clear a little more. Remember the screen wont drop down if there are moves and blocks or balloons holding it up.
There are more keys below and firecrackers are perfect for freeing them. Keep your objective in mind as you go, dont find yourself on the bottom of the screen with a licorice all sorts bag of colored blocks left over and thinking ‘where are the pets?’ your aim is to clear 99% of the blocks ….doh! This means you can only have 1 left! Aim to keep colours together and if you can save a bomb for the bottom I assure you this will come in handy, inevitably you will end up with two blocks…yeah, did I mention frustrating?
Now don’t freak out! 水平 43 Looks intimidating but its all bluff, your little fishies will be safe before you know it! The two objectives here are to save four pets (the fish are all you get) and earn a minimum of 24 000 點, peice of cake! …well it is if you use your strategies, otherwise this could get very messy!
Now you start the board with 30 moves and only three colours and what looks like a very limited board, work from the inside out. So in the case here on the left work your blue, yellow and then red, clearing these block sets should earn you enough points (or kudos) to fill your meter and spark up a firecracker (ah-ha moment!) and that is how you will smash the metal boxes out of the way.
So you will need four Firecrackers all up and the most efficient way to earn these is to hit the big combinations, the more blocks of the same colour cleared at a time will ultimately earn you more points. Once you have a firecracker on the board use it to take out a box under one of your fish. (they all should be one metal box away from the bottom anyway!)
Don’t go too fast on this level or you may find yourself running out of moves. Depending on what device or computer you are playing on it can take a little minute for the meter to collect and fill up with the floating sparkly stars that burst forth in celebration of you matching up some coloured blocks!…yeah seriously we get WE ARE AWESOME…now pass me the firecracker already!